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When Will I See The Results Of My Rhinoplasty?

Dr. Roberto Garcia | 01/15/2020

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More people are seeking the professional advice of plastic surgeons to change things about their appearance they do not like. Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed today. The nose is the central focus of a person's face, and it can have a significant impact on one's appearance as well as their self-confidence.

While rhinoplasty surgery can help make a person's nose more attractive, it can also fix structural abnormalities that cause medical problems. Patients often inquire as to when they can expect to see the results of their operation. The healing process takes time, so your new nose won't be revealed right away. The first step in the process is to secure the right plastic surgeon to achieve the best rhinoplasty results. Relying on the expert care of a trusted plastic surgeon can ease any concerns and provide answers to your questions throughout the process.

Dr. Roberto Garcia is double board-certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery. He is the founder of Contoura Facial Plastic Surgery in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, a state-of-the-art surgical center for facial plastic and reconstructive procedures. His training and experience have helped many individuals alter their noses to achieve both aesthetic and functionality goals. Below, Dr. Garcia and the dedicated staff at Contoura Facial Plastic Surgery detail rhinoplasty surgery and provide information about when you may expect to see your new and exciting results.

Rhinoplasty explained

Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping, is ideal for patients in the Jacksonville, FL, area who wish to change the size, shape, or profile of their nose. During your consultation with Dr. Garcia, he will assess your nose and provide recommendations for the type of surgical method to best suit your needs — closed approach or open method. During the closed approach, changes to the nose are made through incisions within the nostrils. An open method alters the nose through an incision made on the outside of the soft tissue that separates the nostrils. Both methods have their pros and cons that will be discussed in detail as they relate to your needs.

Patients find that their rhinoplasty results can significantly improve not only their appearance but also give a needed boost to their self-confidence. The most common requests for Dr. Garcia include:

  • Remove a bump on the bridge of the nose
  • Widen or narrow the nostrils
  • Redefine a bulbous nasal tip
  • Straighten or shorten a crooked nose
  • Narrow the bridge of the nose

Anticipated results

After your nose surgery, you will be monitored at our Jacksonville, FL, on-site surgical center before being released to go home. Patients typically experience swelling and bruising around the nose for a week or so. For most patients, there is bruising beneath their eyes in addition to the nose. It is essential to follow your postoperative instructions as well as attend all follow-up appointments with Dr. Garcia so he can assess your progress.

Absorbable sutures are typically placed inside the nostrils and do not need to be removed. Stitches along the incision at the base of the nose will be removed about a week after surgery. A splint on the nose is employed for additional protection. Patients are encouraged to avoid blowing their nose in the first week. Some bruising, discomfort, and swelling will occur immediately after surgery but can be alleviated with prescribed medications or over-the-counter options. Once the swelling has subsided, your results will gradually begin to show. On average, you should anticipate about 2 – 4 weeks to recover from nose surgery.

Rhinoplasty recovery care tips

Following your rhinoplasty surgery, the swelling that occurs can take the longest to dissipate. Even if you follow your postoperative instructions precisely, it can still be challenging to predict when you will see the final results. In the meantime, here are a few things you can do to reduce swelling:

Rest. While you may be feeling like your old self, too much activity too soon tends to make the swelling worse. Strenuous exercise should be avoided until Dr. Garcia has cleared it.

Elevate. Try to keep your head elevated above your heart as much as possible, especially while sleeping.

Massage. Gently massaging the tissue in the swollen area can prove beneficial in keeping swelling at bay.

Ice. Ice packs can help minimize swelling and minimize discomfort to the nasal area following rhinoplasty.

Take pictures. When you take a photo of your nose every day, it can be easier to see the progress.

Communicate. Make sure to discuss your concerns with Dr. Garcia or the staff at Contoura Facial Plastic Surgery.

Set reasonable recovery expectations

A rhinoplasty can have a significant impact on a person's self-confidence. It is essential to set reasonable expectations so you can enjoy your results. Dr. Garcia at Contoura Facial Plastic Surgery in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, can help change your profile. A surgical plan specifically tailored for you will be designed to enhance your rhinoplasty experience. If you are interested in learning more about rhinoplasty, schedule your rhinoplasty consultation with double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Roberto Garcia today.


Contoura Facial Plastic Surgery in Jacksonville

Under the direction of visionary double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Roberto Garcia, Contoura Facial Plastic Surgery offers the latest surgical and non-surgical procedures in a relaxed and serene setting. Schedule a virtual or in-person consultation today to get the first glimpse of your future self.

230 A1A N, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082